Publish your paper
Dear presenter,
Thank you again for your contribution to the Coastal Dynamics conference 2021! We would like to remind you of the three options to publish your work.
The submission of conference papers for both posters and oral presenters is optional. There are three options:
1) No conference paper;
2) A paper in the online conference proceedings (paper template: CD21 proceedings_template_AR.pdf);
3) submission of your paper to MDPI Journal Water.
In case of option 2 the local organizing committee will review the manuscripts prior to publication in the proceedings. This will be free of cost. Please send your manuscript before the 15th of september to: a.j.h.m.reniers
In case of submission to MDPI Journal Water the manuscript will be formally reviewed by external referees where the LOC acts as editors for a dedicated special issue. Once published these papers are indexed and open access. The APC (Article Processing Costs) for the accepted papers will be 2000 Swiss Francs minus a 20% discount, to be borne by the author(s). Please send your manuscripts to and before the 1st of January 2022.
kind regards,
The CD21 LOC
Coastal Dynamics 2021
Registration website for Coastal Dynamics 2021Coastal Dynamics
Coastal Dynamics 2021coastaldynamics2021@tudelft.nl
Coastal Dynamics 2021Coastal Dynamics 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
TU Delft Aula Conference CentreTU Delft Aula Conference CentreMekelweg 5 2628CC Delft Netherlands